3rd of April 2014, 13:00
- Get together at EDAG
3rd of April 2014, 14:30
- Welcome and preparing group
- Transport in Mexico (K&N)
- KPIs at transport processes (all)
- Departure to Volkswagen
- Plant tour Volkswagen
- Return to EDAG
- Feedback plant tour
- Dinner and Networking
End first day at 22:00
4th of April 2014, 08:30
- Transport in Mexico (SEGLO)
- AKJ Targets and objectives (all)
- Structure to attract new members based on guideline (all)
- Working point due to last meeting
- Membership
- Best practices in AKJ Germany
- Steering committee
- Export/Import regulations
-Official name for AKJ Mexico
- Follow-up meetings (dates & locations)
- Feedback and conclusion
End second day at 14:00
Impressions of workshop 3rd/4th of April
Location of the meeting

EDAG Puebla
EDAG México S.A. de C.V.
Rainer Hofmann, Managing Director (CEO)
Avenida Ébano S/N Lote A
Edificio de Oficinas FINSA II
Parque Industrial FINSA
C.P. 72710 Cuautlancingo, Puebla, Pue.